Thursday, September 22, 2016

Understanding Comics Week 2

Upon reading Understand Comics, I discovered that there is an underlying mechanic that makes comics interesting. I found it interesting how it was talking about the concept of sequential art and the many different forms of how a comic can sequentially show its audience what happens first to what happens next. Another thing I found interesting was how we perceive icons and how it can mean many things. The concept of icons has an importance to why we see very simplified cartoons as “real” to us.

 It’s because the more simplified we make a realistic thing such as a face, the more we focus on specifying the unique traits about the realistic thing. To name an example we can look at Disney or Pixar characters, they are very simple, yet because they are simple; they have some specification to them that makes them unique. Take “Inside Out” for example, all the emotional characters such as Joy, Anger, and Fear have very simplified designs, but because they are so simple and straightforward, they make great use for icons and for us to remember them by. Another example would be “The Incredibles” where the superhero family has variety of different iconic looking characters because of its simplicity.

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