Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Underground Comics Week 6
I’ve read the “Air Pirates” and I thought that the characters were drawn in a very exaggerated and appealing way. It also looked oddly similar to Disney’s style of drawing which made me look more closely to the issue and found out that the Walt Disney Company filed a lawsuit against the Air Pirates for plagiarism. It turns out that the creator of the Air Pirates consistently kept trying to get sued by Disney and claim that his work was a parody and considered fair use.

Besides the legal aspect of the Air Pirates, the character designs are very simple and appealing because of the copy use from Disney. What’s also funny is the sheer constant adult humor found with these Disney looking characters that makes it feel almost out of place. One instance in particular is the panel containing a female and male character performing sexual stuff with each other which was hilarious. There were also many scenes containing nudity that made me understand why Disney was so adamant about going after the creators of Air Pirates that were potentially destroying their image. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience to read something with kid friendly looking characters yet has content that can make parents cover their eyes.  

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